Traditionally, the MP3 player has been split into two distinct markets: flash-based and hard-drive based players. While flash-based ones gave you a higher price-per-megabyte, they had no moving parts, but lacked some of the features of the hard drive players. Now Apple has decided to blur the distinction between these two markets with the iPod Nano.
My iPod Nano arrived early yesterday and I am totally blown away by it. It has all the features that my iPod Mini had, plus most of the features of the iPod Photo, and is flash-based. I can't believe that I was actually considering an iPod Shuffle as a second player!
People who dislike iPods due to their lack of FM radio and recording abilities will still complain about the Nano. Regardless, the Nano is easily the most feature-packed flash MP3 player out there. I love it!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
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